“The more we understand our position in Christ, the more confidence we’ll have to partner with God in prayer.”
John Eldredge
Partnering in prayer is essential for the health of any disciple’s growth and for the health of a Church. Prayer is, for the most part, an untapped resource that is a treasure that often remains unearthed. It is talked about more than anything else to do with our faith, yet it is practiced less. For the believer, it remains one of the greatest gifts our Lord has given us.
Prayer Group
Every Wednesday afternoon, we hold a prayer meeting at the Church from 1.00 pm – 2:00 pm. This is a time to wait on God, to pray for our Church and community and to pray for revival. Please come and join us.
Prayer and Healing Ministry after 10 am Service @ St Chad’s
Opportunity is given for people to come for prayer after the 10 am service at St Chad’s. A trained team are always willing to pray with you in the chapel. This ministry is for people seeking prayer support for life situations, for healing or for those who are in our lives.
Prayer Requests in the Newsletter
If there are people you know who need prayer, then please either call Christine Taylor, Sue Bluett or the office and we will place their first name in the newsletter for people to pray through the week for them. In the Parish centre, there is a list for people to write the names of those who need prayer also.
Prayer Chain Ministry
Everyone at various times throughout our lives will need prayer for ourselves or for those we love. Prayer requests can be texted, emailed or phoned through to either Sue Bluett (0433 024 626) or Christine Taylor and they will send these on to a small group of people who are gifted prayers. These requests are kept confidential. Please note that this ministry is for emergency situations where immediate prayer is required.
Monday Morning Prayer
Every Monday morning the pastoral care team meet together at 9.30 am and you are welcome to join us for Morning Prayer Service (Prayer Book). Afterwards, we pray for those on the prayer list from Sunday and in the newsletter.
Prayer Retreats
Throughout the year, we will be holding two prayer retreats for people to come and spend quality time with God. The dates for these are Saturday February 26 (beginning of lent) and Saturday 24 August. It will be a time for prayer, reflection and renewal for all who attend.
Healing Service
In the second part of the year, we will be starting a prayer and healing service on the second Sunday of the month from 6.00 pm at St Chad’s. During this time, our focus is on prayer for healing and spiritual wholeness.
The service is accompanied by quiet music and singing and we give the opportunity for personal and corporate prayer and for people to be prayed for.